Monday, June 30, 2008

Laptop crash :-(

Uggh!!!! My cheap-o laptop has bitten the dust :-( I somehow acquired an "Antivirus software" which has taken down the computer. We've tried cleaning it off with limited success. I'm currently using Ken's laptop but he has a meeting in a minute, so there isn't much time to write. We did see some huge (I mean HUGE) jellyfish at the beach on Saturday. Ummmm I won't be swimming in the Mediterranean anytime soon. There were at least 15 washed up on shore and they were 2 feet wide. I am totally serious. There were gross! I guess a kid got stung and had 2nd degree burns. Yikes.

1 comment:

amy in peru said...

I'm SO sorry about your computer. annoying. Micah has yet to update me on your conversation. Thanks for reminding us to read your blog and pray for you guys.
I love you LOTS!
