Monday, June 22, 2015


What a fun season! I was a bit unsure if Nate was going to be excited about a new sport, but we signed him up and he made it on a team with 2 buddies from school. The first game was more like watching pig pile on the ball. As soon as the ball was hit all the kids would run in from their positions and try to get the ball. Whoever got the ball would hold it triumphantly until finally hearing the coach say throw the ball to first! Eventually as the season progressed the kids were able to stay in their positions unless it was hit to their area and got better at throwing the ball in the general area of first base. Honestly it was a bit hard to watch... everyone bats, everyone hits (eventually), everyone gets on base, and no one gets out. So unless you have a sweet little guy on the field it's hard to watch. At any given time someone on the team is playing in the dirt or picking flowers in the grass. Half way through the season they did switch from hitting off a tee, to coach pitch. Daddy was able to step in and participate (in practices and games!) which was a lot of fun. We made friends and we learned a lot this season.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Happy Birthday Colton!

Logan decided to make a motorcycle bear for his cousin (who is turning 1). Colton seems to like motorcycles like his dad. We hope it's a hit!

Friday, June 12, 2015

No more monkeys jumping on the couch!

What a day we just had! It all started with a friendly game of "hey let's jump backwards into each other!" To a 4 and 6 year old that seems like a lot of fun. As I sat and ate my yogurt I began to process what I was hearing/seeing. Both were standing on the couch (usually not allowed, but since it's the old white couch I didn't come down hard on them). Back to back they started to jump/bump into each other. Well before Logan even got a turn, Nate catapulted him off the couch onto the train table. I immediately grabbed a nearby dish towel hearing the thud and knowing it was bad. Mayhem followed next. I threw on flip flops, grabbed two front teeth that were on the train tracks and we ran out to the car. If you must know I did call 911 thinking they could tell me if a Dentist or ER would be the best option. They told me they couldn't provide advice but could send an ambulance. I hung up and aimlessly drove down the street. I saw my neighbors cars were home and quick banged on the front door. She suggested calling the dentist and let them know I was on my way and provided a bag of ice. Logan screamed the whole way there. It was awful. And yes, a few posted traffic signs were overlooked as I sped down the road. We arrived at the Dentist, checked in, and I softly cried as I held my sweet little guy. The dentist quickly got him in a chair and distracted with Shrek while they took xrays and diagnosed his mouth. I was a little consoled that these teeth were already a bit loose and arguably going to fall out in the next 6 months anyway. We are optimistic that there wasn't any damage to the adult teeth. The Dentist did send us to the ER to get his lip sutured and have a follow up regarding a 3rd tooth (which is very wiggly) to determine if it needs to be extracted. So thankful as I think of how much worse this could have been. And now, to figure out how to stop replaying this over and over in my head.

Shoes are tied!

Nathaniel has learned how to tie his shoes. I think we only spent 5 minutes with him on it. He was determined to learn so he could get some school shoe laces from the gym teacher. This kid is so motivated!