What a day we just had! It all started with a friendly game of "hey let's jump backwards into each other!" To a 4 and 6 year old that seems like a lot of fun. As I sat and ate my yogurt I began to process what I was hearing/seeing. Both were standing on the couch (usually not allowed, but since it's the old white couch I didn't come down hard on them). Back to back they started to jump/bump into each other. Well before Logan even got a turn, Nate catapulted him off the couch onto the train table. I immediately grabbed a nearby dish towel hearing the thud and knowing it was bad. Mayhem followed next. I threw on flip flops, grabbed two front teeth that were on the train tracks and we ran out to the car. If you must know I did call 911 thinking they could tell me if a Dentist or ER would be the best option. They told me they couldn't provide advice but could send an ambulance. I hung up and aimlessly drove down the street. I saw my neighbors cars were home and quick banged on the front door. She suggested calling the dentist and let them know I was on my way and provided a bag of ice. Logan screamed the whole way there. It was awful. And yes, a few posted traffic signs were overlooked as I sped down the road. We arrived at the Dentist, checked in, and I softly cried as I held my sweet little guy. The dentist quickly got him in a chair and distracted with Shrek while they took xrays and diagnosed his mouth. I was a little consoled that these teeth were already a bit loose and arguably going to fall out in the next 6 months anyway. We are optimistic that there wasn't any damage to the adult teeth. The Dentist did send us to the ER to get his lip sutured and have a follow up regarding a 3rd tooth (which is very wiggly) to determine if it needs to be extracted. So thankful as I think of how much worse this could have been. And now, to figure out how to stop replaying this over and over in my head.
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