Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Honeymoon is over....

Not to say that we don't ooh and ahh over this little one, he is still the main attraction at our house and we love him dearly... but this is HARD WORK! The last few weeks everything has still been very new and exciting... now I'm trying to figure out how to change a diaper without getting in the firing range. Our little guy has had a diaper rash for a few days now which means a prolonged time of the diaper being off... which increases my chances of getting a little something special on me. I feel bad for him, it looks so red and bad. He has been very fussy the last three days. Maybe the diaper rash has something to do with it? He has started wanting to eat more often... every hour, hour and a half. Which is really draining on me, especially at night. I feel like a zombie during the day. I've been trying to sleep when he sleeps, but often he sleeps when I'm driving and out doing errands :-( At the end of the day the little smiles and coos we hear make it all worth it. He is just so adorable. We kiss him as much as we can, knowing that one day he will be a teenager and that will just not be cool. Oh I'm off to get a little rest before Nathaniel needs to eat again.


red-headed Wilson's said...

:) :)

It is hard work. But IT WILL GET BETTER. I promise. And the second baby better because you know what to expect. You just couldn't prepare for what it is really like.

I am really enjoying all the baby updates. My sister inlaw is due in 2 weeks so it just gets me more and more excited and it also reminds me to make sure I help her out whenever I can.

Shalisa said...

It will get better, I agree. But don't think the second baby will be easier. :) It might. It's just you know what you're getting yourself in for. In a few weeks your body will start to adjust to the sleep deprivation and things will get easier. :) I wish I lived closer. :)Having your first baby is tough. Especially when their eating is demanding. Sounds like that's how it is with Nathaniel. Sounds like it's growth spurt time.

I know, everyone is probably giving you loads of advice on trying this or doing that...but my girls have eczema and Burt's Bees diaper rash creme worked wonders. One application and they usually cleared up the same day. If it was really bad then I let her nap diaper free. Terrible when they are this tiny because they pee CONSTANTLY! :)But at least it was contained in the crib. A few cloth diapers under the bum and it wasn't such a huge ordeal.


God Made Playdough said...

Another thing that works great for diaper rash is Bag Balm. Also to stop using baby wipes while he has the diaper rash and using damp papertowels or washcloths. When my oldest was a baby, this worked great! Hope that helps! :)
Oh, and I agree with Dee, the second one is easier! :)

Wendi said...

Hi Sarah,
Try out this New Mom's support group. It made a world of difference to me.
Met wonderful new moms going through (or had recently gone through) the issues I had with Laura.
It was very comforting.
Good Luck.

Matthew and Stephanie said...

I don't have any advice, I just want more pictures. :-)