Sunday, February 22, 2009

He's growing!

We had Nathaniel's two week checkup this week and we are pleased to report he is 8 pounds 11 ounces and 23 inches! It's hard to believe he grew two inches in two weeks. He is doing well and sleeping quite a bit (sometimes this coincides with normal night time hours). He's also pooping a lot which I suppose is a good thing. I'm making sure Ken is getting his fair share of diaper changes :-)
My two week check up is this week... hopefully I have been shrinking (not growing!). I'm anxious to feel like myself again. We have been more active over the last few days and it feels good to be out and about. Mentally I'm ready to start working out but physically I have felt pretty sore just after walking around the track so I'm trying to listen to my body and take it slowly.
We have been so blessed to have friends and family provide meals for us the last two weeks. It's been so helpful not to have to think about what to make for dinner. It's also fun to have people visit briefly and check in on us.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Thank you for the update! We love reading about all the wonderful trying days of being new parents. Sounds like your doing all the right things. I think Nathaniel's going to be a basketball player.