Friday, January 30, 2009


Still waiting... we went to the Dr today. I had hoped to hear I had at least progressed to 3-4cm since last week. Unfortunately no. I kinda think he's comfy in there and doesn't plan to come out any time soon. I was thinking both of us are born on the 7th of a month so maybe Nathaniel is waiting for February 7th? That sounds like a long time from now :-( I scheduled another appointment for Feb 5th where they will check in on him and we can decide if we want to wait longer for him to come on his own or not. Patience... something I can never quite master.


Shalisa said...

Ahh...I'm glad he's not here yet. It means I still have time to mail you my baby gift before he arrives. :) Life has been busy here and I still have not yet made one of my items. Maybe you already have one, maybe you want me to mail you what I have. Do you have a baby sling? They are one of the best ways to wear your babe if you're into that. I think I've tried EVERY type of of carrier out there.

I know it's sooo hard right now to be patient. Maddie was 10 days past her due date, so I understand. But labors tend to go smoother when not induced. Although most people I know are induced and they all live to tell about it :)

You can try all the "tricks". I tried many of them and they didn't work so well. But we did break out a puzzle trying to be more patient, and it helped, and the night after we finished I went into labor. So, we got one near Annora's due date. And same thing! Maybe it was cause I became more relaxed - I wasn't constantly thinking of the baby that SHOULD be coming :)

Your belly is beautiful by the way. Well, all preggo bellies are special, but yours is gorgeous.

red-headed Wilson's said...

I will pray tonight that your baby comes soon. I tried the inducement and no one warned me that the baby may NOT come. I was induced and 16 hours went home to have Alicia a week later!

This is such an amazing time.