Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A few more thoughts

It is SNOWING AGAIN! It's supposed to start warming up by noon, but it's coming down hard right now. I had a bunch of errands to run, but I think me and my big belly will be staying home. Why cause undue stress... unless... will that start labor? Hmmmm. Seriously though, I have plenty of things to do around the house so a day cooped up inside won't be too bad.

And for those who are curious just how big I am.... here's a picture. Dad thinks we are at least a week away from Nathaniel's arrival. He sure is moving around like he is trying to get out though. I'm told many first borns are late, so I'm trying to be patient. I keep getting a knee or foot right behind my belly button :-( I'm told this is the most comfortable time of pregnancy.


~HeLeN~ said...

Sarah! You look grrreat! I can't wait to see Nate!!!

red-headed Wilson's said...

Thanks for an update. With no new posts I was wondering if your baby boy had come already. :)

Isn't this weather so strange. We had some snow today but it is pretty much gone now. I think you were wise to stay home.

momaof4 said...

So pretty!! You and the snow.

I love the pics of the room too! :) It is so fun to know you are ready and now you just have to wait for that little one. Enjoy the quiet :)

Diane said...

Sarah so cute... I'm glad you posted a picture of you at this stage of the game....and the room turned out really cute... before you know it their will be finger prints on all that white furniture...

Wendi said...


Wish we could get some of that snow here.

The nursery is really cute. Can't wait to see it this summer.

I'm sending positive thoughts for an easy delivery.

Miss you a bunch!