Thursday, July 2, 2009

Growing fast!

Our little guy is growing/changing every day! He is really exploring everything with his hands and watching closely when we talk. He seems mesmerized by our lips when we are talking. When I feed him he has started reaching up and holding my chin and or lips. He also gets very distracted when he's eating and wants to see what every little noise is... makes for a longer feeding :-( He's been playing with his ball (similiar to a big wiffle ball which has easy finger access for gripping) moving it from one hand to the other... picking it up by himself when it's within arms distance. It's hard to believe!

Our biggest accomplishment this week was TAKING A BOTTLE!!!! He has not done this since about 8 weeks old...always refusing it when we offer it. However, the other day I had an ounce of milk in the fridge so I put it in the bottle thinking maybe if I had him just hold the bottle and get used to it he would be more agreeable to it. I think since he is teething the cold top felt good on his gums. Anyway, I could hardly believe it when he started guzzling the milk...holding the bottle all by himself! I tried to take the bottle from him to see how much he ate and he was desparately reaching for it when I had it in my hands. Hopefully this is not a one time occurence. We are going to keep at it this week.

1 comment:

red-headed Wilson's said...

That's awesome! There is so much freedom in the bottle!