Tuesday, July 14, 2009

56 cents!

We went to the Doctor today to check out Nathaniel's cough. It isn't a bad cough so I've been deliberating on whether to go in or not. However it's been over 4 weeks and doesn't seem to be getting any better and it's terrible to hear him gasping for breath and then cough like he has a hairball in his throat. So we went in. The doctor looked at the back of his throat (much to Nathaniel's dismay) and determined that he did have a sinus issue requiring Antibiotics. Bummer. Seems like he's so little to have Antibiotics... but we did make a trip to the Doctor and we do want him to stop coughing... so I went to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription. How much is this going to cost I thought as we were walking in.... $0.56!!!!! Can you believe it! Anybody else want me to pick them up some Antibiotics????? Seems like a steal to me.


red-headed Wilson's said...

Boy, that's cheap! I still haven't had to fill a antibioyic prescription for our kids yet. (knock on wood) But that seems cheap.

Poor kiddo

Joelle said...

i thought you were going to say he had 56 cents stuck in his throat!