Saturday, June 20, 2009

Sick again?

I feel like we have been sick off and on for the last three weeks. I've heard kids get sick alot but are we going to be sick for the next 5 years? I don't think I can handle that! Our little guy has had a runny nose and a bit of a cough this week. We've been trying to take it easy and stay close to home so he can recover. He is doing better now. Ken still has that terrible cough that just won't go away. Between the two of them I'm hardly getting any sleep! Which reminds me maybe I should be sleeping now since both of them are napping.

1 comment:

Shalisa said...

Ugh! I hate the sickies. This year has been worse than any other year for us. I can't tell you that this will help, or that it's why we haven't gotten sick since we started this regime, but the whole family started taking vitamin D (do some research). There are even drops for babies (i give them to Annora in a sippy cup, but you can put it on a pacifier or finger. We even just took a trip on a plane, which leaves me ALWAYS sick...and no sickies! Hope you guys get to feeling better. Esp. little guy. How uncomfy.