Thursday, June 4, 2009

No Crying !?!?!

I have been working on establishing a morning nap for Nathaniel for about a month now and this was the first morning we had no crying what-so-ever! After being up for an 1.5-2 hours I've been putting him down in his crib, turning on the music and giving him a pacifier. He typically cries through the first 5 songs and then finally agrees that he is tired. I've always waited in the room by his bedside till he falls asleep so I can re-insert his pacifier if it falls out. On Tuesday this week he was fussing and I thought maybe I should just let him fuss and if he takes the pacifier out oh well. There was about 12 minutes of crying and then he put himself to sleep. Wednesday I tried the same routine and it took 7 minutes of crying before he put himself to sleep. Today... about 5 mintues of wiggling around but no crying. Do I get another Mommy Merit Badge? If this can be done in the morning I wonder about bedtime??? I might save that battle for another day when we are feeling better (we've had a cold all week and it just won't go away).


red-headed Wilson's said...

You are leanring! I think the bedtime/crying moments are some of the hardest for new moms. But you are doing so good!

He really is a good looking boy.

amy in peru said...

YAY!!! I'm not sure who I'm more proud of, him or you!!! ;)

I love you. SO glad to hear the good news! Yes, you can do bedtime too!!

And when he gets old enough, if he REALLY wants that binky, he'll put it back in himself!! Is he sleeping through the night yet? I wouldn't hesitate for a moment at nighttime to plug him with it for a while yet when he fusses...
He's SUCH a big boy now!!

Yo Sista Amy

Shalisa said...

Yeah Sarah! Good job teaching your boy. Letting my kids cry was the hardest thing ever, though necessary.

Someone made mommy merit badges.