Saturday, May 23, 2009

Beautiful Weather

We have been enjoying a lovely week (weatherwise) in Portland. On the homefront Mom is extremely tired. I feel like we took 3 steps backward this week in terms of sleeping and feedings :-( Yesterday I started to get concerned that maybe my milk was drying up so we went to the Dr. this morning. Apparently Nathaniel has just been snacking. So now we have a plan to make sure he is eating a full meal. Hopefully this will translate into better sleep too. This afternoon we were out in the garden again planting cucumbers. We have been spending a fair amount of time at the club too, getting our exercise in. I can't seem to kick these 5 pounds :-(


amy in peru said...

Yep. Get that boy on a schedule!! I know, I know. That's not what you want to hear...

Just be glad that it's only 5 pounds!!

Love you.

amy in peru said...

PS. that extra 5 may be what's insulating your milk supply... don't be too worried. If you lose too much weight too soon, you might kick yourself for it later. You have plenty of time for getting it off, but you don't have all the time in the world to breastfeed that baby... You want him to have PLENTY! Drink lots, and take it easy. There's an herb that will help you with your milk if you want to try it - fenugreek. It's pretty strong, but you can just sprinkle a little over your food. Or there are capsules as well... hmmm, I have no idea where I got them.