Thursday, April 23, 2009

Weathering a cold

The weather has been so nice the last few days.... but we have been inside. I started feeling sick (head cold) this weekend. We haven't had a good nights sleep since Saturday. We are back to waking up every hour and a half or so. Nathaniel started showing symptoms Monday night. His eye had a lot of drainage and he started sneezing/coughing. It's so sad to see him not feeling well. I called the advice nurse and she said that as long as he is still smiling/talking and doesn't have a high fever he will be okay. They said the best way to take his temperature is through the rectum. Eewwww! Nobody said anything about that when I applied for mommyhood. We have been using our forehead scanner thermometer for now. He sounds so congested. We've been trying to keep his nose clean with that little bulb nose cleaner.... a bit of a challenge with a wiggly baby. Last night I held him all night long so he could sleep upright. I'm so tired today. Ken says he's not feeling well today. Our little guy seems to be doing much better though. Guess we have started the family cold sharing cycle that I've heard comes with kids.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Hope you're all feeling better soon.