Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Moms Group

I've been going to a Moms group on Mondays sponsored by Providence Hospital. I totally love it. It's fun and I look forward to Mondays. There are about 20 Moms that come to the group and we talk about new mom topics... how to get more sleep, the best way to bottle feed your baby, ways to exercise, etc. Mostly its really nice just to have a group of gals that are going through the same baby stages with you. Anyway, on Monday one gal invited us over for a late lunch. 9 Moms showed up with their babies (all boys, one girl). It was quite a group... surprisingly quiet with all those babies. We took a few pictures... Nathaniel is third from the right side.


Hollace said...

Fabulous portraits! You are lucky to have the pictures but also especially the friendships at this time in your life (new parenting time).

Diane said...

This is great Sarah. what a undertaking for the hostess. we still have one person we are connected with from your birthing class. wow that was aloooong time ago