Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Final Israeli Dr. Visit

I went to the Doctor one last time today. Ken had to work late so my friend Wendi was able to join me. The Doctor said Nathaniel is gowing well and healthy. I saw his little toes, legs, hands, head and ears. HE IS SOOOO CUTE! He was moving around quite a bit. He also said his brain looks good... he will be very smart, just like his dad :-) So all looks well. We will have another appointment the week after we get back to the US with a new Doctor. Hopefully they will be okay with reading my charts in Hebrew (I can translate if needed :-). Seriously, the Doctor here assured me that the important information is universally understandable to all Doctors (even if it looks cryptic to me). I was hoping to get a good picture but didn't. Bummer. I'll try and insert a video from on of our appointments this summer. Thanks to our friend Bob who spliced the 45 min video into this smaller clip for you.


Shalisa said...

He's gorgeous! :)

(We did a 3D ultrasound and my mom's comment after we got the pics and video was, "we're hoping for a much cuter baby"...the nerve!)

He's going to make all the girl babies swoon.

Diane said...

this is the cutest ultra sound I've ever seen.... just can't wait to see you next week...