Tuesday, December 15, 2009

One sick Momma

Well, I'm actually on the mend... otherwise I would still be laying in bed and not on the computer :-) I haven't really been hit as hard as the boys... but goodness it's hard to keep away from the cooties and still take care of everyone! How do you Mommas do it? Especially with more than one baby! I think of my sis-in-law and thier 5 kids. They must be sick for months at a time! This two week stretch has been so draining. I wanna get out and do something fun!!!! I've missed so many holiday parties and fun things due to the sickies. Hopefully they are going going gone for the rest of the year.... wait that's only two weeks. The nice thing about December is we have maxed out our deductible so going to the Dr. and getting prescriptions is FREE! Okay, back to bed I go....


Wendi said...

So glad you're feeling better. Laura and I would love to see you soon.

Shalisa said...

I think you're mistaken - mom's don't get sick :)

4000 IU of vitamin D. I've been less sick this season than last and we avoided all bouts of sickness from May to September. (And my kids still shared germs with snotty kids) They even have vitamin D drops for babies.