Monday, August 29, 2011

Gone Golfing

The kids all earned a free game of putt-putt golf and Bullwinkles down in Wilsonville. What an adventure! The first hole took about 15 minutes and I thought for sure we would be there for the rest of the day just finishing out 18 holes. However, they got much better (quicker) and the two oldest were always a hole ahead of us. Thankfully it wasn't too busy!

Mya lost interest by the 4th hole and Nate just put his ball right next to the hole and tapped it in. Clever, huh? Hole in one everytime!

Logan got a birds eye view of the game. Very interested in what was going on.

The best part was at the 18th hole. We told the kids this was their last putt, and then the ball would go down the hole... well aparently there was a backup in the hole and Nate was able to retrieve the last dozen balls. Mya decided to help too.

And of course and outing with Uncle K and Aunt Sarah would not be complete with out a trip to McDonalds.

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