Monday, June 28, 2010

Sneaky little boy

Nathaniel has been having lots of fun with the Tupperware drawer and the bottom closet shelf in the kitchen. I've decided these are fair game and don't keep anything there that I wouldn't let him play with/disorganize. Well he recently figured out how to open the box of crackers on the closet shelf. He can also open Ziploc bags now too! Previously he would bring me the box and "ask" (with a grunt of course) if he could have some. Sometimes I say yes, sometimes it's a no. Well now he knows how to open the box himself and so he will get into them on his own while my back is turned toward the sink. Today he was doing something in the closet, then made a bee line for the laundry room and shut the door. He likes to shut doors so I usually just listen at first and give him a minute before I go in and check on him. Well, I didn't hear him playing with the shoe rack or the laundry machine door which is usually what he is doing in there, so I went and opened the door. Guess who had a handful of Wheat Thins in his hand. It was all I could do to keep a straight face and say, "Nathaniel did you ask Mom for a cracker?" "Put those back in the box and put the box back on the shelf". I was proud of him for obeying even though he was so sad he didn't get his cracker.

1 comment:

red-headed Wilson's said...

How sweet. At least he is stealing Wheat Thins and not junk. But not a good habit, eating in the closet. :)