Monday, June 14, 2010

Lost and still not found

I'm am so frustrated with this mommy brain of mine. I have lost my swimsuit bottoms. Just when I was thinking I was so great about going to swim class ever day they offer it (5x a week). I suspect it went in the towel bin at the club... and they told me at the front desk they thought they saw it, but so far it hasn't made it into the correct Lost & Found box :-( I know this may seem trivial, but it is sooo frustrating to buy another pregnancy suit with only 7 weeks left to go. I do have a back up suit, but I was hoping to not have to use it in the chlorine everyday. It's mostly just the frustration I need to get over. I keep holding out that it will show up, but today I did actually go to two stores looking for some bottoms. Maybe I should buy some new ones, just so the old ones will show up!

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