Sunday, February 16, 2014

Snow Adventure

Snow falling!!!! We were so excited I gathered all our snow gear and bundled the boys up to go play. Daddy took them outside while I stayed inside to wash the dishes. I got 3 dishes washed before I heard the garage door open and they were back inside. Too cold outside. Sheesh! It took longer to find all their winter clothes and bundle them up than it did to play outside. We warmed up with Hot chocolate anyway with hopes of going outside again later. The boys did get outside later and we played with our neighbors down the street. Making a snow mountain (the snow was too powdery to make a snowman). Snow kept falling. I hear we got about 10 inches! Saturday morning Daddy decided we should go on an adventure... hike 1.4 miles down the hill to the nearest bus stop, grab a bus to the train station, and a train to Oma's house. We started out at 8:30am. Nate would not stop talking the whole way... he was super excited! When we got to the bottom of the hill Logan started to get tired. So Daddy carried him. Soon Nate got cold and decided Daddy should put Logan down and carry him instead. At this point there was no turning back, so we pressed on to the bus stop. By the time we got there the boys were in tears and begging to go home. Hmmm. Whose good idea was this? Thankfully after about 20 minutes the bus came and once we started warming up we got excited again about our adventure over to Oma's house. The bus stopped at the train station and our wait was relatively short before we got on the train. We called Papa Jim and he picked us up at the station near their house. Oma had a fresh pot of spaghetti waiting for us! We were so tired we took a little nap before building a snow fort in their back yard. We had lots of fun at Oma's and decided to spend the night since the weather turned from snow to ice (and we didn't want to attempt going UP the hill to our house). In the end we sent Daddy home on the bus system to check on the roads and get our car. He picked us up and we had a relatively safe and easy drive home. What a fun adventure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what a fun memory for all of us. great pictures Sarah to capture the moment.