Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Planes, Planes, Planes

It's what we are all about these days. The boys love planes. We were reminded by a friend about a nearby "family owned" airport that has a pancake breakfast one Saturday each month and decided to give it a try. There is no control tower just a farmhouse, runway and a few hangars to store planes. So it's pretty exciting to watch the planes take off in one direction and land in the other direction. The boys loved it. We brought our binoculars and watched the planes come in for a landing. This is a small airstrip and about 50 pilots fly in from all over just to have breakfast! So we got to each across from the pilots and then an hour later we watched them take off on the runway. Nate was also pretty excited about the junior cadets in army fatigues that were helping keep pedestrians off the busy runway.

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