Thursday, June 7, 2012


Potty training was slow going... I guess I shouldn't say that. Nate is good about going potty when I remind him to, it's the poops that are an issue. He is in big boy underwear so it's a real mess to clean up (even though he attempts to clean up his mess himself by helping rinse them in the toilet- why should I have to do all the work?) I found these 2 remote control cars for cheap (under $10) at Bi-Mart and we decided to do a sticker chart for days that our poop went into the toilet and not our underwear. 10 stickers later (ie. 3 weeks) and we got to play with our new toys! Of course Logan was getting stickers along the way too, so he got a car as well. Lots of fun! And we haven't had to take them away for pooping in our pants yet either!

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