Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Every morning Nathaniel wakes up and says "puppies, puppies, puppies!" until we finally say it's time to get up and go downstairs. For Mom and Dad seeing the puppies, means starting the day, cleaning up the poop from the night, and making the puppy chow in the blender (stinky!). For Nathaniel (and Logan) it means sitting on the couch and watching Daddy let the puppies out of the room. While he cleans/mops the room out (Yes, I found out Ken has this hidden skill! Look out Honey, you've demonstrated competence!) Nathaniel likes to sit on the couch and point at the puppies. He is so excited! We have named each of them and he will call out their names... Brownie! Popcorn! Chunkers! Snowball! The first few days he would only reach at them when they ran by the couch. Recently we have started "racing" the puppies and he is getting braver while we run over to the stairs and back before they can catch up to him and nip at him until he can climb back on the couch.

While these puppies are super cute, I'm certain that we won't be getting a dog anytime soon. It's a good thing Nathaniel is having so much fun... because Mom and Dad think it's A LOT OF WORK!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I tyhink you need a video of the race between Nate and the puppies... they are sure cute and yes alot of work!!!!!!!!