Friday, September 24, 2010

Walking Zombies

We have been absent from the blogging world this last week due to lack of sleep. Our sweet Turkey #1 has decided to boycott napping and bedtimes much to our dismay. Ken was just saying last week how nice it was to have Nathaniel go right to sleep when he puts him down for the night. Well that has changed (I guess "This too shall pass" also applies to the good times) and for the last week or so he has been upset about being put in his crib, first at nap time and now at bedtime too. I know he is tired when I put him down, so I don't think he is getting rid of his nap at 19 months old. I don't know if it's a delayed response to getting a new brother, if he's going to hit some great milestone here soon, if he is getting more teeth (I thought he had all of his already!), if he's thinking about potty training or maybe he is just being defiant? Since nothing seems to be wrong physically, we've been trying to let him cry it out, but 2 hours has been the maximum before I go in and get him. He keeps ending up in our bed and then none of us get any sleep. Somehow we need to figure out how to hit the "Reset" button, because everyone is super tired around here. I think we are going to have him spend the night with his cousins. He is always so well behaved when others are around. We are hoping to get him back into his old pattern of willingly taking his nap and going down for bed with little to no complaints soon.

1 comment:

red-headed Wilson's said...

I'm sorry Sarah. It's hard at this age. Little ones are so hard to figure out and then when you do they change. :) I wouldn't give up on the naps yet. But I have no advice on how to get it to work. :)