Thursday, May 24, 2012

Portland's "Amazing Race" Challenge

SuperMom capes are ready to go.... this was more work than I expected!
We are ready to race...
Guiness World's smallest park in our very own city, who knew?
Never seen this elephant before...
Trying to spell our state capitals while the water fountain is on
Playing football with Seattle Seahawk fans
Mom's ringing the liberty bell, while I'm trying to shoot her. Guess we weren't clear on what charade to act out. We had a tough time with this clue... it needed to be unscrambled "Treble billy". We called Dad at home since he likes to do the jumble. I barely spelled it out and he said the answer. I almost hung up saying call me when you get it and he was trying to tell me that he had the answer already. I could hardly believe how fast he was!
After finding someone with a driver's license from out of state, this is mom and I attempting to make the shape of Arkansas or was it Alabama. Apparently we needed a geography refresher.
We finished 56 out of 135 teams!!!! So much fun.... really a lot of fun.


red-headed Wilson's said...

Never heard of such a thing! Looks like a blast. Did you find out if your mom and you are compatible for the "real" Amazing Race? ;)

Smiles said...

It was a blast! I always thought it was so crazy the way people fight on the show... but I totally see how it could happen. Mom and I did good together though and she graciously saw it my way ;-)