Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nathaniel's weekend with Oma/Papa

Guess what Oma taught Nathaniel while we were in Mexico!!!! Other than a little mischeif he was a really good boy and actually slept from 6:30pm to 7:30am!!!! He was on his best behavior and hardly missed us. He took good naps. Ate his food. Played with his toys. Mom and Dad said they would be up for watching him again sometime :-) That's great, because I still need a good nights sleep!

And I left strick instructions on no sugar/no sweets for Nathaniel. I can only hope they kept their word after seeing this picture!


red-headed Wilson's said...

They did a wonderful job taking pictures.

It is always so nice to find out your kids were good for others. :) how hard was it to be gone for that long from him?

Hollace said...

I was a witness--your mom let him empty every cupboard in the kitchen and even encouraged him to dump out the oatmeal packets. But he was very happy and smiley while she was teaching him these bad tricks. I didn't see the TP trick or I would have called you immediately!

Smiles said...

It was hard to be gone from our little guy and we kept wondering how he was doing. Ken kept reassuring me he was just fine... and I was so sick that there wouldn't have been much I could have done for him if he was with us. Love that first snuggle when we got back though!