Monday, April 13, 2009

Date Night

Saturday night was the first time in 9 weeks that Ken and I have been able to sit down and have dinner together! We called my parents and asked if they were free to babysit... they weren't... but re-arranged their schedule so that they could be. I love that Nathaniel can spend time with them and that they are eager to have him! Mom asked if he could spend the night! I think 30 years has erased her memory of what it's like getting up in the middle of the night with a crying little one. Bless her heart though :-) That day will come! So we dropped our little guy off (bottle and all) and headed downtown. We had a gift card to Morton's Steakhouse. We had a great time talking... mostly about Nathaniel... wondering what he will be like when he grows up. After dinner we called to see how he was doing and if we had time to go for a walk on the riverfront or if we should head home. Mom said they were doing fine so we joined the riverfront with 60 highschoolers who were out for Prom or some sort of formal. Oh did we feel old! We eventually headed back to my parents house and our little guy looked quite exhausted and puffy eyed. Apparently he had been crying for the last 30 minutes or so. I had only planned to be gone for about an hour and half but it ended up being over 3 hours! My parents had given him his bottle early on so he was hungry. The bottle I left was only 2.5 ounces of milk... which is what he usually has at a feeding but it seemed like not enough to my parents. I checked with the experts though and they agree that is a good amount for a 9 week old. All in all, we had a wonderful evening and mom and dad said they would be willing to do it again sometime.

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Way to go! So glad you had a date night.
Can't wait to see you this summer.