Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Need sleep (updated)

Mr. Fussy Pants has been keeping us on our toes these days. We are very very very tired. I think he might be going through a growth spurt. He wants to eat every hour or two which is very tiresome. I put him in the car today and we drove around doing errands. He slept through Winco, Costco and Fred Meyer. Now why can't he sleep during normal sleeping hours? Now I'm tired and he's wide awake. I hear weeks 6-8 are supposed to be more challenging in general... and I was just starting to feel I was getting the hang of it. I had my 6 week checkup last week. They said to take it easy for a few more weeks. Uggh.

A few more words on the subject...when I sat down to write this blog the other day I forgot what I had planned on writing :-( This only further supports the fact that I have lost my brain. My loving husband would point out that it's been missing since June last summer. Anyway, I cannot remember when I fed Nathaniel last or changed his diaper. Ken will ask me these super-stumper questions when he comes home from work and I just give him a blank look... I know I did it just not sure if it's been two hours or not. And the real question is whether or not we expect him to be hungry soon..if only I could remember... I give Ken the same blank look in the morning when asked how many times Nathaniel and I were up last night. It all runs together and apparently I just can't put anything more in my short term memory banks. So please forgive me if I flake out on you... it's definitly not intentional.

One more confession... I let Nathaniel sleep in his carseat yesterday. Is that bad? He finally fell asleep when we were out running errands. When we got home I was exhausted so I just shut the car off and slept too in the garage for about 15 minutes.. then I remembered the groceries! After bringing them all in he was still asleep so I brought his car seat inside and let him sleep for another hour and a half before he woke up and wanted out of his carseat. Hey.. whatever it takes.


Wendi said...

Sounds like you're doing all the right things. I knew a mom that let her daughter only sleep in the baby swing until she was 8 months old. Many of us let our little ones sleep in the carseat. When I became a mom I realized that sleep is NOT overated. Good luck getting some sleep.

God Made Playdough said...

We loved the book Babywise. It really helped putting our girls on a sleep and eating schedule so we always knew when they were hungry, tired, etc. They were both sleeping through the night by 3 months so it helped us. Just a thought. :)

red-headed Wilson's said...

I actually did not like Babywise but I liked Healthy Sleep Habits, happy baby.

:) Don't you just love that moms all have great ideas! I think you are going to have to try a few things out and find out what works for you and Nathaniel.

I am laughing as I write this because the next poster will say they have great book too.

Someday you will get sleep. I remember Alicia was AWFUL to get to sleep. I would set her in her car seat on the washer and have the dryer run as well. It would vibrate her to sleep. The little vibrator machines just weren't enough for her. My next child could fall asleep ANYWHERE. Every child is so different.